DETAIL INFORMATION regarding syllabus ,pattern and recommended readings for JNU entrance examinations for masters and graduation level programs.
- English
- Geography
- Linguistics
- Political Science with Specialization In International Relations
- Politics
- History
- Sociology
- Environmental Science
- Life Science
- Economics
- M.Phil CIPOD ( International Politics, International Organizations,Disarmament Studies)
- Political Geography
- West Asian Studies
- B.A Hons First year Foreign Languages French, German, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Persian and Arabic
- Population Studies in Centre for Study of Regional Development CSRD
- Law & Governance
- Solved Question Papers of JNU MSC Biotechnology and MCA.
- Educational Studies
- Arts and Aesthetics
- South Asia
- International Law / International Legal Studies
- M.A Philosophy
(M.A Economics, Center for Economic Studies and Planning “CESP”): The pattern of entrance examination for M.A Economics from CESP had slight changes time by time. The paper was of 100 marks with no negative marking and consisted of, mostly, four to five parts with the following elaboration:
1):30 multiple choice questions of one mark each
2): 8 less explanatory questions with 5 marks each and some proofs too, and out of which, 6 ought to be solved
3): 3Elaborative questions with 10 marks each, out of which, 2 was required to be solved.
4): one 20 mark easy writing question, with a choice of 1 from 6 given topics.
In 2010, the pattern was changed by the center and the new pattern was introduced and it is applicable now. In this new pattern, there are 100 multiple choice questions with 5 choices and with the weight-age of one (1) mark each. The negative marking of (-1/2) per each wrong answer is also part of the new pattern introduced.
Note: Before appearing for the examination, please look carefully the latest prospectus for any announcement reading the changes in the pattern of exam, decided by the university. The entrance exam would majorly include questions from 4 main economics papers and general knowledge, which are briefly explained below:
1) Statistics: The average graduation level knowledge of this paper would suffice to solve its questions in the exam. The main focus should be on Probability, Averages and Dispersion. The preferable books to be consulted for Statistics are: a. Basic Statistics by: Nagar and Das.
b. Mathematical Statistics with Applications by: John E. Fraeund.
c. Schaum's Outline of Statistics by: Murray R. Spiegel and Larry J. Stephens.
2) Microeconomics: The principle focus should be on utility maximization, special cases of perfect substitutes and compliments, different productions and cost functions with emphasis on their minimization exercise and profit maximization problems, different forms of competition encompassing perfect competition, monopoly, basic theory of general equilibrium, questions of allocation and Pareto optimality. Requirement is of the nature of an average graduation curriculum.
The reference that should be followed: a. Intermediate Microeconomics by: Hal. E. Varian
b. Exercise book of intermediate Microeconomics by: Hal. E. Varian (Questions to be solved carefully).
3) Macroeconomics: Basic knowledge of average graduation level should be sufficient. Emphasis on growth models, e.g., Harrod-Domar, Solow-Swan model should be laid. Also, focus should be directed towards Keynsian macroeconomics pertaining to multipliers of closed and open economy, IS-LM etc. The references that need to be consulted are as follows: a. Macroeconomics by: M.C. Vaish (for growth models). b. Macroeconomics by: Dornbush and Fischer. c. Or any other standard Macroeconomics text book. d. Development economics by: Debraj Ray (for growth models).
4) Mathematical Economics: Stressed should be laid on series, sequences, functions and relations, sets, basic calculus such as integration and differentiation. Incorporate notions of implications, quantifiers etc. in Logic.
The references are: a. Mathematical Economics by: Sydsaeter and Hammond. Or b. Mathematics for Economists: Simon and Blume. c. Refer to the appendix of any standard book of mathematics for the Logic section.
5) General Knowledge: Preliminary knowledge of national and international economy and regular surfing of newspapers will be enough. Comprehension: Any passage from famous economists’ work will be quoted as a comprehension question. Analytical understanding of basic economics should suffice the purpose. Note: It has been observed that previous years’ questions are frequently repeated, therefore, suggestion is to solve previous years’ questions, available in JNU, at the time of application process. Questions should be solved preferably in a group as it helps built better understanding and to correct solutions of the questions.
Some other books: 1. Hal R Varian, 2.Hendarson & Quandit 3. Mankiw
Recommended books
1) Economics by J K Chopra2) Microeconomics by Robert S. Pindyck
3) Macroeconomics : Theories and Policies by Richard T. Froyen
4) Mathematics for Economic Analysis
Recommended books
1) Economics by J K Chopra2) Microeconomics by Robert S. Pindyck
3) Macroeconomics : Theories and Policies by Richard T. Froyen
4) Mathematics for Economic Analysis
Environmental Science
For JNU M.Sc Environmental Science we need to go through all these topics and books thoroughly.. 1. Question paper solved for 5 years
2. Chemistry 10+2 organic and physical
3. NCERT Biology 10+2 PT
4. Biology (Nitrogen Dioxide) read this chapter
5. Ecology (Book) by Mr. P.D Sharma
6. Math ---- Matrix chapter
7. Physics 10+2 2.
The exam is in objective type. So referring solved objective type guides will also help you. Currently there is no solved question papers of JNU MSC Environmental Sciences. UGC Solved Question Papers also will be agreat help for you. But don't depend merely on solved question papers as the questions may be changed every year.
Boltin Keller and Tyler Miller are established writers in the field. Refer any one of his books.
M.SC Life Sciences
The question paper for life sciences consists of basics of cell biology, molecular biology, biochemistry and bio technology. So the graduation level text books will help a lot. The book titled Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology by John Walker is much used book for preparation. The book coverswhole syllabus of M.SC life sciences entrance exam. All the best
M.A. (Sociology)
M.A. (Sociology) JNU Entrance Examination (Guidelines for preparation)
1. Sociological Theory (Marx, Weber and Dukhaim) Read: 1. Marx, Durkheim, Weber: Formations of Modern Social Thought by Ken Morrison
2. Status & Role, Norms & Values, Group, Community, Cultural Processes and the related terms/Concepts: Read:Dictionary of Sociology by Penguin
3 Village in India, Agrarian Social Structure Read: 1. Indian Society by (S.C. Dubey) 2. Indian Sociology by (Andre Beterille)
4. Social Structure in India (Caste, Class and Gender) Read: 1. Social Stratification in India by (Dipankar Gupta)(Eds.) 2. India’s Social Structure by (M.N. Srinivas)
5. Cultural Process like Modernisation, Sanskrtisation, Westernisation etc.. Read: 1. Modernisation of India Tradition by (Yogendra Singh)
6. Globalisation, Feminism, Education and Social Change, Population and Development, Structuralism, Post-Modernism, Nationalism etc.. Read: 1. Sociological Theory by (George Ritzer) 2. Sociology by (J.J. Macionis) 3.Modern Sociological Theory by (Francis Abrahams)
MA History (Ancient/Medieval/Modern)
2.Plassey to Partition by Sekhar Bandhopadhya
3.Ancient India Published by penguin by Romila Thapar
4.Ancient India by D.N.Jha
5.Medielval India published by NBT written by Irfan Habib
6.Medieval India by Satish Chandra
7. Ramachandra Guha; India After Gandhi, 2007
8. NCERT History Text Books, Class 10, 11,
8. NCERT History Text Books, Class 10, 11,
Exam Pattern: ( see pevious question papers in the menu of question papers). The question paper worth a total of 100 marks will be divided into three sections. Students will be required to answer questions from all sections. Section 1 will carry 30 marks. It will lhave one comprehension passage in English and candidates will be required to answer six questions based on the given passage. Section 2 will carry 20 marks. It will have 5 questions covering broad areas of the social sciences and other topical issues of current concern. Candidates will be required to answer 1 question from this section. Section 3 will carry 50 marks. It will have 12 questions covering specific periods/areas of history and candidates will be required to attempt 2 questions from this section.
MA Politics (with specialisation to International Relations)
In JNU MA Politics (with specialisation to International Relations) entrance, the questions are based on the graduation level syllabus of Political Science, History and Economics.
There will be twenty questions; questions are from each subject above. And you have to attempt five questions from them. Apart from that all other important aspects of the subject that you have studied in your degree course is important. Even if you have a background of science stream, you can easily get through the entrance. Actually your previous background does not matter because the entrance is very easy.....the best answer JNU expects from you is the critically analyze and your understanding of the subject…
The questions is generally covered from these topics:
1. Indian National Movement/ Freedom Struggle
1. Indian National Movement/ Freedom Struggle
2. Indian Government and Politics
3. Comparative Politics
4. International Relations
5. Indian Foreign Policy
6. Indian Political Thought.
Focusing on two or three topics of these will be enough. Don't go for all topics as there will be 20 questions out of which you will have to answer only 5 questions !
Focusing on two or three topics of these will be enough. Don't go for all topics as there will be 20 questions out of which you will have to answer only 5 questions !
You can have an idea about the questions asked in the entrance by looking at previous year’s questions....So to look at previous years questions is a must for every aspirant. Please study on these topics extensively....internet is a good place to read ...Besides, read The Hindu Newspaper daily and Frontline Magazine.... And if you want to read more you can consult these books:
Books Recommended: 1. India’s Struggle for Independence- Bipan Chandra
2. Indian Government and Politics- A.S. Narang
3. Comparative Politics- V. N. Khanna
4. International Relations- V. N. Khanna or Palmer & Perkins
5. International Relations- Bookhives
6. Indian Foreign Policy- U. R. Ghai/ V. P. Dutt
7. Indian Political Thought- B. N. Ray/ V. P. Verma
.7. The Globalization of world Politics- An Introduction to International Relations
The Globalization of World Politics - An Introduction to International RelationsMost Recommended Reading For MA in Politics With Specialization in International Relations ( IR) and M.Phil CIPOD. The above mentioned book in International Literature is verily useful for all exams regarding International Relations ( IR) esp MA IR and M.Phil CIPOD in JNU. It is written by selected experts 2. Indian Government and Politics- A.S. Narang
3. Comparative Politics- V. N. Khanna
4. International Relations- V. N. Khanna or Palmer & Perkins
5. International Relations- Bookhives
6. Indian Foreign Policy- U. R. Ghai/ V. P. Dutt
7. Indian Political Thought- B. N. Ray/ V. P. Verma
.7. The Globalization of world Politics- An Introduction to International Relations
MA Political Science
Start with basic concept and Ideologies. For this you can use any Delhi University level text books. Better to look at three books by Andrew Heywood- Politics, Political Ideology, Political Theory. Make Sure you are focussing on the most essential ideas- Justice, Social Contract, Rights, Liberty etc. Second, make sure your knowledge of Independent India's history- For this you can read 'India after Gandhi By Ram Guha. Success of India's Democracy by Atul Kohli; The Politics of India since Indepnendence by Paul Brass; Economic Development and Political Democracy by Rajni Kothari; Politics in India by Rajni Kothari, Contemporary India by Priyadarshini and Chandhoke;Oxford Companion to Politics in India (which has a lot of JNU Professors who have written chapters) etc.
Third look at contemporary writiing on various issues- for this you can read Seminar Magazine
Fronline Magazine, Economic and Political Weekly etc.
My suggestion is to make sure your knowledge of Indian Political History is sound, Make sure you know bigdebates out there, but also ensure that your basic concepts are very strong. The question paper tests you concept, knowledge and ability to write opinionated answer.
More Recommended Readings:
1. India’s Struggle for Independence- Bipan Chandra
2. Political Theory – O. P. Gauba
3. Indian Government and Politics- A.S. Narang
4. Comparative Politics- V. N. Khanna
5. International Relations- V. N. Khanna or Palmer & Perkins
6. International Relations- Bookhives
7. Indian Foreign Policy- U. R. Ghai/ V. P. Dutt
8. Indian Political Thought- B. N. Ray/ V. P. Verma
9. Western Political Thought- Subrata Mukherjee & ; Sushila Ramaswamy Or R. M. Bhagat
MA Linguistics
In JNU MA Linguistic entrance, the questions are based on the degree level syllabus of Linguistics. You will get questions ranging from the meaning and definition of Linguistics, the views of renowned Linguistics as well as the history and developments of the subject along with its scope. Apart from that all other important aspects of the subject that you have studied in your degree course is important. Even if you do not have a linguistic background,you can easily get through the entrance. Actually your previous background does not matter because the entrance is very easy.....
The questions are generally covered from these topics: 1.introduction to linguistics
2.introduction to phonetics and phonology
3.introduction to morphological and syntactic analysis
4.phonological analysis
5.applied linguistic
6.semantics:theories and analysis
You can have an idea about the questions asked in the entrance by looking at previous years questions...
And if you want to read more you can consult these books:
Rekha Aslam’s Aspect of language teaching
Introduction to linguistic by R V Varshney
An Introduction to language by Victoria Fromkin and Rodman...
Geography (CSRD)
Geography (CSRD)
1):Physical Geography by Savindra Singh
2. human geography by majid hussain
3. Geographical thought by Majid Hussain
4. Practical Geography
5. Geography of India by Spectrum Editorial Board
6. Urban Geography by
7. Population Geography
Current Geographical News.............through Daily Magazines
Most Recommended Reading: Book will be delivered to your home with in 4 days of booking. Cash on delivery option available without additional fee.
The syllabus for entrance exam m.phil & PhD
a ) Nature and scope of population studies
b) sources of population dynamics namely fertility, mortality and
3) Population growth in relation to economic
and social development
and social development
4) India’s population policy and family planning programme
5) population theories
6) Demographic methods
Recommended readings
6) Demographic methods
Recommended readings
1) population theories and policy by Arun Kumar
2) An introduction to concepts and issues by John R Weeks
Most Recommended Reading: Book will be delivered to your home with in 7 days of booking. Cash on delivery option available without additional fee in India.
Population theories and policy by Arun Kumar: This book covers the whole syllabus of population studies in csrd
Centre for English Studies
Centre for English Studies, JNU – Admissions Help Pamphlet : The Centre for English Studies, in the School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi has the well-earned reputation of being one of the foremost foundations in the field of English literary, critical and cultural studies in India. The Centre has gained national and international prestige for being a vibrant place of intellectual activity with lectures, seminars, colloquiums and visits by creative writers and academics from all over the world. The Centre is also well known for its progressive and innovative outlook towards teaching and research in the fields of language and literature studies in English and for comparative literary and cultural studies. This Centre was one of the first in Asia to question the centrality of the British canon and introduced courses on “New World Literatures” like American, African, Canadian, Australian, Indian English and others. The programmes seek to develop in the students an ability to relate literature(s) to the Indian context, to compare literary theories and texts, and to explore the ways in which history, ideology and material forces condition literary texts. Also the Centre has long been offering courses on Paņini’s Ashtādhyāyi, Bhartŗhari’s Vākyapadīya, Bharata’s Nātyaśāstra and the Indian grammatical traditions. The aim was to familiarize students with their own cultural and intellectual heritage in order to provide them with a balanced viewpoint when approaching predominantly Western literary and theoretical and critical texts. The Centre offers an M.A. programme in English, and integrated, interdisciplinary programmes of research (M.Phil/Ph.D.). The yearly entrance examination for the M.A. English at JNU is one of the most sought after literature courses in India. Its popularity is evident from, for example, it attracting more than 5,000 candidates from all over India, and even from foreign countries, every year. Of these, only 20, or less that 1%, are admitted. The MA programme in English lays emphasis on non-British literatures in African, 1 American, Australian, Canadian, English, Indian and Irish -- even while it introduces students to new ways of looking at colonial British literature. Courses on literary criticism and literary theories help the students to develop the ability to relate the literatures to their context, to compare theories and texts, and to explore the way history, ideology, and material forces condition literary and other cultural texts. Candidates are selected on the basis of a written examination that tests them on English literature, English language, Literatures in India as well as in third world countries and related cultural issues. The primary focus of the examiners is to test the analytical acumen, critical skills, independence, logical thinking and literary merit of the candidates. Focus is also there on Indian English and Indian-English writers, apart from Literatures of Canada, Ireland, Australia and the commonwealth. Unlike most other Indian universities, candidates’ ability to senselessly memorize data is useless in this examination and only those get through who can think out of the box and can defend their perspectives with solid arguments in face of immense pressure, thought at the same time being pliable to logical voices of others. The MA English entrance exam paper usually consists of ten questions with a candidate required to do any three or four. Consequently, no special set of books are required for this examination, especially for those with a BA in English Literature. All prospective candidates need to do is to revise their BA English courses thoroughly, be aware of literary periods and their characteristics, and place the texts they read within the socio-material conditions of production and consumption, thereby forming a macro-vision of and on literature. For those who do not hold a bachelors degree in English Literature, there is no need to worry. All they need to do is to see and try to read as much of the syllabus prescribed for BA (H) English in their nearest university, for JNU does not test people on specific books but on specific reactions to them – reactions that are or may be inter-disciplinary, independent, critical and coloured by literary and political theory. The emphasis has to be on connecting literature with culture and The same holds true for the research programme (M.Phil/Ph.D.). It is open to postgraduates 2 from many disciplines. The areas of research include Indian Literary and Grammatical Theories, Translation Studies, New Literatures including Indian English, African Literature, Canadian Literature, Australian Literature, American Literature, Literature of the Indian Diaspora, Theatre, Performance Studies, Nineteenth and Twentieth Century British Literature, Literary and Cultural Theories, Comparative Literature, Popular Fiction and English in India. Admission here is based on a written exam followed by an interview where the proposed area of research is analysed in toto. Candidates are examined in English Literature, English Language, Structure of English, Literature in India and other Third World Countries, Literary Theory, and Relationship between Literature, Culture and Society. Again, no special set of books is required apart from those taught in BA and MA English at universities throughout the country. The key is not to read different books, but to read books differently. This has to be done while formulating one’s own opinions and reactions of the characters, events and tone of texts that may or may not be against the grain, and should be substantiated with logical reasons that hold water. Apart from this, a candidate needs to work on his synopsis that will be scrutinized by the panel if one clears the writtenexam.
Some One has More to say:
be critical in nature and if d critical appreciation fails to impress the examiners then d paper will not b graded, i mean the othr answers will not b chkd.. and wen u say abt poetry appreciation, ask them to
keep it as original n fresh as possible.. instead of writing paragraphs on the stale old rhyme scheme n figures of speech ask them to tackle the themes they can cull out frm the piece. try to relate the themes to current trends in literature n theory.. and ask them to have a fairly rough idea (atleast) on literary theories, chief being marxism, feminism, reader-response, postcolonialism n othr marginality
issues.. books alone ll work in jnu n u gotta make ur examiner blv that u hav actually read more than a BA Pass student..
well with theory, there is Orient Blackswan's book,
keep it as original n fresh as possible.. instead of writing paragraphs on the stale old rhyme scheme n figures of speech ask them to tackle the themes they can cull out frm the piece. try to relate the themes to current trends in literature n theory.. and ask them to have a fairly rough idea (atleast) on literary theories, chief being marxism, feminism, reader-response, postcolonialism n othr marginality
issues.. books alone ll work in jnu n u gotta make ur examiner blv that u hav actually read more than a BA Pass student..
well with theory, there is Orient Blackswan's book,
1. M.S.Nagarajan's English Literary Criticism n Theory: An Introductory History
2. Pramod Nayar's Literary Theory Today
Postcolonialism is still one of the favourite areas..
3. Empire Writes Back by Bill Ashcroft,
4. Decolonising the Mind by Ngugi wa Thiong'o
5. Colonialism/Postcolonialism by Ania Loomba
the 1st 2 buks talk abt literature n poco n also the language debate--
whether English still has any relevance in our academia n literature..
and for knowing more abt English n Indian poco scenario there is
6. Masks of Conquest by Gauri Vishwanathan..
there r also interesting debates on this issue by Achebe n Thiong'o..
question papers help,pls ask them to go bak to the qp's n frame a pattern frm it.. hmm and a major debate that's still on is as to who is important-- the writer, the reader ya the milieu??? reading up a bit on reader-response n framing a general idea as to hw socio-politico-cultural differences influence a reading can b gud enuf.. so go thru the qp's n cum up wid likely areas.. translation, new literatures like afro-american, australian, indian aesthetics ll also b gvn focus.. see, its a scary list i know.. but u neednt read up everythng, every book.. wen u r preparing make sure u go thru these areas:
Theory, Poco, New Literatures, Reader Response, Marginality, English
language/academia etc. pinne, moz importantly-- Critical
make them do some intelligent reading, ask them to surf site like
postcolonial web.. then ask them to get a hold on The Hindu's Literary
Review (cums wid the supplement on the 1st sunday of every month)..
these r all suggestions, their writing skills also matter so does
their destiny wish them luck frm my side
Theory, Poco, New Literatures, Reader Response, Marginality, English
language/academia etc. pinne, moz importantly-- Critical
make them do some intelligent reading, ask them to surf site like
postcolonial web.. then ask them to get a hold on The Hindu's Literary
Review (cums wid the supplement on the 1st sunday of every month)..
these r all suggestions, their writing skills also matter so does
their destiny wish them luck frm my side
M.Phil in Political Geography:
Centre for International Politics, Organization and Disarmament School of International School/JNU M.Phil in Political Geography: The Political Geography Division seeks to provide geopolitical and geo-strategic perspectives on international politics by studying both temporal and spatial aspects of contemporary international relations. Eligibility: Master's degree in Political Science, History, Economics, Geography, Sociology, Defence/ Strategic Studies, International Relations and Area Studies with at least 50% marks or Master's degree in Humanities and other Social Sciences with at least 60% marks or Master's degree in Natural Sciences with at least 65% marks.
Syllabus: Definition of political geography, Approaches, relation with international relation, politics, geography and political geography, Geostrategy and prominent thinkers (Mackinder, Spykeman, Housofer, A.T Mahan etc), boundary and frontiers, definition and differences. State as a politico-Territorial Phenomena, Attributes of state, shape, size and resources. Core-periphery concept, Geopolitics and its proponents. Critical geopolitics, postmodernism, Federalism, Geography of World Politics and International Relations.
Books Recommended: Political Geography By R.D Dikshit Political Geography by Glassner Political Geography by Dwivedi A companion to Political Geography by Agnew
Most Recommended Reading: Book will be delivered to your home with in 4 days of booking. Cash on delivery option available without additional fee.
تاريخ الأدب العربي لأحمد حسن زيات The above mentioned book in Arabic Literature is verily useful for all Arabic entrance exams esp MA and M.Phil in JNU. Its peculiarity stems from its language and content!
M.Phil West Asia
Recommendations: Sound knowledge of politics and history of middle east, expertise in israel palastine hitory from AD 70 to present. contemporary readings on Israel.
Most recommended websites for contemporary west asian and Israel Politics
B.A Hons First year Foreign Languages ( French, German, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Persian and Arabic)
Any one can join for one of these foreign language course without prior basic knowledge of the concerned foreign language. For these B.A first year programs your ability to learn the languages is tested and not your ability in the language. a person who is master in a foreign language may not get admission because of hisbad performance in the exam testing his general knowledge and reasoning.
The Entrance for B.A (Hons) for all of these foreign languages is common. So the questions will be same for all of these languages and entrance exam will take place for all at the same time from 9 to 12 noon.The candidates are not asked about anything related to these languages. All they need is expertise in basicEnglish grammar, Basic facts about the world, mathematical aptitude and reasoning. Candidates seeking admission to the first-year of the 3 year-B.A. Programme in the School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies shall be examined on the basis of their general language and aptitude test.The questions shall be of objective type, short answers etc. and shall be within the broad spectrum of General Knowledge, General English and Elementary Knowledge on the culture and civilization of the languages/country concerned and aptitude for language skills.
Most Recommended Reading for BA Hons First year in any of Foreign Languages (The exam is common and no questions will be there in or of foreign language.Book will be delivered to your home with in 4 days of booking. Cash on delivery option available without additional fee.
Law and Governance
Law and Governance aspirants Should have basic knowledge of these subjects
1) State and Civil Society
2) International Politics
3) good governance
4) capability approach
5) women empowerment
6) local governance
7) private and Public partnership
8) current issues like lokpal, recent rape issue etc
Recommended readings
1) Key Concepts in Politics by Andrew Heywood
2) Globalization of World Politics Bayles
3) Good Governance: Initiatives In India by Etakula Vayunandan, Mathew Dolly
4) Policy-Making in India: Who Speaks? Who Listens? by Kuldeep Mathur
5) Any books on capability approach
6) Good Governance, Democratic Societies and Globalization
7)The Intelligent Person`S Guide To Good Governance
Most Recommended Reading for Law & Governance. Book will be delivered to your home with in 4 days of booking. Cash on delivery option available without additional fee + 10 % dicount on this book
![]() | The Intelligent Person`S Guide To Good Governance First Edition Our Price: Rs.266 |
MSC Biotechnology
The Solved question papers of MSC Biotechnology are available in the market. Also available
The soloved pevious question papers of MCA are available in the market. Also availble
Educational Studies
The questions expected for M.Phil Educational Studies are from 4 Subjects; Sociology, Psychology,Economics and History. Candidates are advised to have expertise in any one of these four subjects. Theories and Concepts are important. The aptitude and analytical power for research in education is also tested.These four subjects have to be learned in relation with education, thus you will have to study in Economic the the economics of education, commercialization of education, educational policies etc. In history you will have learn history of educational system in India. In sociology study education in relation to globlization and social mobilization. The issues in educational systems like inequality are also important.
Pattern of Question Paper: There are two sections. The first part is compulsory part. The second part has five sections ( sociology, psychology, economics, history and general ) from which candidates will have to answer any one section.
Recommended Readings/Books for Educational Studies
3) The psychology of Education Martin Long
4) Entertainment, Education and social change : Singhal
5) Sociology of Education S.S Chandra
Arts and Aesthetics
Candidates for M.A Arts and Aesthetics in JNU will be required to have broad knowledge of various disciplines of Arts and Aesthetics, especially related to the history, practices and theory of visual cinema and performing art traditions which would broadly include important aspects of painting, sculpture, architecture as well as theatre, dance, music popular culture and the related genres of arts. Though the main focus will be on the traditions of Indian arts, candidates will be expected to have general background in important universal art practices. Two types of questions are to be answered in the three-hour test (1) questions requiring precise and short answers and (2) essay-type questions with specified word limits
South Asia
Analyze previous years' question papers
Expected Questions
1) Srilanka after LTTE
2) Democracy in Pakistan
3) Current developments in Nepal
4) Bangladesh Current Issues
1) Srilanka after LTTE
2) Democracy in Pakistan
3) Current developments in Nepal
4) Bangladesh Current Issues
5) India and SA Relations
6) Issues in South Asia : Climate change, terrorism etc
Recommended Books
1) South Asia As A Region by Zubaida Hasan
2) Conflict and Peace Making in South Asia by P.Sahadevan ( Professor, JNU, SIS)
3) Books on South Asia by S.D Muni
Recommended Books
1) South Asia As A Region by Zubaida Hasan
2) Conflict and Peace Making in South Asia by P.Sahadevan ( Professor, JNU, SIS)
3) Books on South Asia by S.D Muni
Recommended Web Portal
International Legal Studies / International Law
Read the classic book on International RelationsInternational Law by Malcolm Shaw
The book is covering the whole examination syllabus for International Legal Studies. Check the previous question papers and focus on repeated questions there.
M.A Philosophy
The applicants for the M.A. programme will be examined in the themes and issues studied
in a standard B.A. Philosophy course. The M.A. admission test will carry a total of 100
marks and students will be tested from areas of history of philosophy, themes and issues in
metaphysics, epistemology, logic, ethics, aesthetics and, social and political philosophy. The purpose of the test is to select such candidates who demonstrate philosophical aptitude, analytical skills and ability for original thinking
Recommended Books
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